Mensa Philippines’ current Board of Trustees and newly-assigned Officers for 2013

Hi Mensans, I would like to share to everyone this
announcement listing Mensa Philippines’ current Board of Trustees and
newly-assigned Officers.
As your board and as your officers, we are here to help in
strengthening and growing our organization, serving our members, and furthering
our objectives.
We thank everyone for the trust, and we look forward to your
support and participation in our upcoming activities and programs for Mensa
Yours in Mensa,
Dimpy Jazmines
Chairman – Kalangitan “Doc Jessy” Gutierrez
Vice Chairman – Dimpy Jazmines
Winthrop Yu
Art Ilano
Charlene Tan
Atty. Melvin Villa
Chris Tan
Zuriel Bernardino
Elle Singson
Tiffany Tang 
Jeffrey Seracarpio
President and acting Publications Director – Art Ilano
Treasurer – Charlene Tan
Corporate Secretary and Deputy Membership Director – Atty. Melvin Villa
Testing Director – Kalangitan “Doc Jessy” Gutierrez
Membership Director – Zuriel Bernardino
Publicity Director – Dimpy Jazmines
Deputy Publicity Director – Elle Singson
Activities Director – Chris Tan  
Deputy Activities Director – Tiffany Tang

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