The Election Committee for Small National Mensas has just overseen the voting for International Director, Smaller National Mensas.
And the results are…
Eligible voters: 33
Ballots received: 28
Invalid ballots: 0
Abstentions: 1
The result of the first preference count is:
Lars Endre Kjølstad 14 votes
Cinzia Busi 0 votes
Bibiána Balanyi 11 votes
Cristiane Cruz 2 votes
With 14 votes, compared to 13 votes for all other candidates combined, Lars Endre Kjølstad has obtained a majority of votes in the first preference count and no lesser preference counts are necessary. He has been elected for a 2-year-term beginning on July 1, 2013.
Congratulations to Lars Endre and thanks to Cinzia, Bibiána and Cristiane for their commitment to Mensa!
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