Taking the Mensa IQ Challenge (slash-Qualifying Exam) and you still have questions? We have compiled a second list of Frequently Asked Questions. See if yours is here.
“What are the requirements?”
The minimum requirement is age: you should be 14 years old and above. That’s it!
“I’m not a Filipino, but would like to take the exam. Is that ok?”
Yes. And if you qualify, we will send you an invitation to join, too.
“I am an unregistered student this semester, but also unemployed. Will I receive a discount?”
Unfortunately, the discount is granted only to enrolled undergraduate students.
“I’m not sure if I can make it on exam day, that’s why I have not registered yet. Can I just walk in on test day?”
Sure! If you come in on a fully booked time slot, we’ll assign you the next available time slot (or test date). Paying in advance though secures you a seat in your preferred time.
“What do I need to bring on exam day?”
Bring a valid ID. In addition, when you have already registered and paid, you will receive a confirmation slip which you have to bring, too. We’ll provide the pencils.
“Do we find out our IQ score, percentile, or just news that we passed or failed?”
You get to find out all of the above.
“How long after taking the exam will we find out our results?”
It will take about 2-3 weeks. Results will be sent via email, so please make sure you have the correct contact details, especially your email address.
Don’t see your questions here? It might be on our first set of FAQ’s over here.
The upcoming Mensa IQ Challenge is on November 27, 2022 at KMC Solutions, 5/F V Corporate Center Salcedo Village, 5 LP Leviste St., Makati City, Metro Manila.