Ask Mensa AnythingMensa for my 22 months old son
Anthony asked 7 years ago

I have a 22 months old son who already knows how to read at 14months old. He already knows how to read, can count up to 100. Knows the 12 months of the year, 8 planets, 4 seasons of the year, 7 days of the week. Can count 1 -10 in Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese, English. He can We are in Cebu and just missed the June 2017 visit by Mensa. 

messytyagi replied 4 years ago
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1 Answers
Profile photo ofGetter_2187Gregg Getter answered 7 years ago

Hi Anthony,     Wow, congratulations on your son!  He’s showing a lot of ability.  We hope to see him in our group.  For children under 14 though, they get in under a different method.  Our standard exam is calibrated for adults, but children are welcome to join.  All you would need to do is get a certified psychologist administered IQ test, with the name of test, score, and percentage readout, then you can submit that to our president for review.  We have a few Mensa youth in Manila, and are just now getting some in Cebu, the more the merrier.  🙂

messy tyagi replied 3 years ago
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